McKinney Trusted Leader in Restoration and Clean-Up, Since 1976
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Reviews for Dalworth Restoration McKinney
- Reviewed By: Neil W.
- Location: Frisco, TX
How would you rate your overall experience with Dalworth Restoration McKinney?
Who was the technician that serviced your property?
How was your experience with the first phone call to the company?
How would you rate the appearance of our service technician?
How would you rate the competence of our service technician?
How was the cleanup process?
Why did call us?
- Comment: My water heater flooded our house on a Saturday. Dalworth was here in a little over an hour and immediately got to work. The guys were very quick and extremely professional. Dalworth continued to come out on a daily basis to make sure everything was drying out properly. Once everything was dry, they then replaced pads, and did a great job cleaned and replacing carpet. I am very happy with their work.
Overall Rating